About 220 projects were submitted to the Second Innovation Competition

A meeting of the Evaluation Commission on the results of the Republican Innovation Competition, jointly organized by the Ministry of Economy and the UN Delegation of Azerbaijan, was held.

The chairman of the commission, Deputy Minister of Economy Sevinj Hasanova said that the fulfillment of the goals of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda, encouraging innovations, as well as the "Azerbaijan 2020: Vision of the Future" Development Concept and the "Strategic Roadmap for the production of consumer goods at the level of small and medium enterprises" About 220 projects covering economic, social and ecological fields were submitted to the Innovation Competition organized with the aim of supporting the implementation of the Ministry of Economy and "Idea Bank" of "ASAN service". Currently, the accepted projects are being evaluated. Sevinj Hasanova emphasized the importance of holding such competitions in terms of stimulating and increasing the efficiency of the activities of innovation subjects, creating the necessary conditions for the development of small and medium enterprises within the framework of innovation infrastructure, improving the scientific-research base that will support the development of relevant infrastructure, and developing personnel potential.

Alessandro Fracassetti, the deputy resident coordinator of the UN in Azerbaijan, spoke about the importance of innovations and emphasized the contribution of such competitions to the promotion of investment in innovative fields, the application of scientific achievements and innovations in various fields.

The winners of the innovation competition will be awarded in December.

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